Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed, or like your life is on auto pilot and you’re stuck repeating the same old routines over and over again?
Do you feel like you’re doing so much trying to make your relationship work, but nothing ever changes?
Do you feel like you’re drowning under to-do lists that never end and a mediocre job or relationship that leaves you feeling drained?
Do you have physical symptoms that you and your doctor can’t explain or a chronic illness that leaves you depleted and unable to function?
Are you desperate for something more or different, but you aren’t sure exactly what or how to do it alone?
Do you have a dream that you want to create, but you keep getting side tracked or aren’t sure what next step to take?
Have you been diagnosed with a chronic autoimmune disease or some other mystery illness that has no cure?
I understand.
I know a thing or two about hard times and struggle because I’ve had many myself. I want to help you make your life happier, easier, and more fulfilling and do it faster than I ever did.
I feel we often don’t believe in our own self-worth unless we are giving something away to someone.
Let me tell you a very important truth:
You have worth and value simply because you are you.
You don’t have to be, do, or look a certain way, or have a certain something to be worthy. You are already worthy of so much more than you think you deserve.
That’s why I’m here.
You need a big change, but you don’t know what to do. BIG CHANGE and fear of the unknown scare you to death.
A lot of people will keep making small external changes and hope and pray it fixes whatever is wrong in their life.
Many just aren’t willing to go inside, sit with themselves, and do the deep work it takes to bring about lasting, heartfelt change.
The internal work is the goldmine that creates the rich, rewarding, incredible external life you crave.
Maybe you fear that no one will ever know the real you because you haven’t been able to live in the light of your own truth. You may fear the real you is unlovable. Maybe you’re afraid that you’ll die never living the life you longed for, or without having been loved for being the perfectly imperfect person you truly are.
What a waste of a life.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
~Imagine this~
What if your sense of self-worth didn’t depend on what anyone else thought?
What if you could create your own vision and your own version of prosperity with confidence and ease?
What if you recognized change as the bringer of new, wonderful experiences and walked toward it fearlessly?
What if you never worried about how things would work out, because you knew without a doubt that everything would turn out better than you could have imagined?
What if you could generate more happiness, love, fulfillment, and success than you ever thought possible?
What if you became unstoppable and aligned with your highest good at all times?
How would that change the way you feel?
How different would your life look?
That’s why I’m here.
The truth is, we are not meant to do the hard stuff in this earthly life alone.
And we can make the journey from Point A to Point Z a LOT easier together.
It’s a smooth, enriching flight to anywhere you want to go, if you have a co-pilot.
That’s me. I’m your co-pilot. I truly want to see you succeed in your life because when you succeed, we all succeed.
That’s why I love the work I do. Helping you find your way to vibrant health, emotional and mental freedom, and a life of passion and purpose helps me fulfill my passion and purpose.
What I Can Definitely Help You Do
*Release limiting beliefs and paralyzing fear that have kept you stuck for so long.
*Discover exactly what it is you are here to do and gain the confidence to actually do it.
*Joyfully create financial freedom that comes from being well paid, doing what you love.
*Become truly resilient, someone who can handle whatever life delivers with ease and confidence because you knows who you are, what you’re capable of, and that you’re never truly alone.
*Help you see obstacles and challenges as opportunities for growth and expansion.
*Recognize what fear and illness are trying to tell you, so you can heal once and for all.
*Show you how to turn on and tune into your Intuition so that you never need to worry about making the wrong choice or what step to take next.
*Give you tools to create a loving, powerful friendship with yourself and your Higher Power.
*Learn to enjoy practicing gratitude and self-love so you can move toward the life you crave faster and easier.
Together we can Ignite your Intuition and activate your innate gifts to create an Extraordinary Life!
How This Flows
Are you my 6 week, 6 month, or 12 month client?
My 6 week – Intuition Activation program
- Clarify and focus on one area of your life where you want really big, rapid changes.
- Discover the tools to help you turn on your intuition
- You will learn how to recognize and understand your intuitive guidance
- Learn how to reprogram your limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors, so you can make confident, permanent strides towards your goals.
- You get one 30 minute phone or zoom call each week for 6 weeks
- email support in between calls
- meditations, videos, worksheets, PDFs and checklists
My 6 month – Move Mountains Program
- define and clarify your goals (health, relationships, career, finances, purpose, or weight loss)
- assess your needs and uncover challenges keeping you stuck to get you rapid results and sustainable forward momentum
- cultivate your intuition so make decisions with confidence and clarity
- learn tools and practices to help you deepen your connection to and trust in your intuition
- learn to restore and balance your energy for health and well-being
- learn to find and remove trapped negative emotions and energy from your body
- learn how to shield and protect yourself from negative people and environments
- Learn to overcome anxiety, stress, depression, fear, sadness, and self-sabotage quickly and easily
- create a strategy and actionable steps designed to get to where you want to be
- upgrade or develop any skills you may need to reach your goals
- optimize your environment
- reprogram your sabotaging thoughts and beliefs into empowering, encouraging, motivational, self-actualizing hypnotherapy
- Awaken to the true sense of who you are, with confidence, clarity, and a knowing in your heart and mind how to best use the power and potential you wield to create miracles in your life.
- 4 – 45 minute phone or zoom calls each month, worksheets PDFs, meditations, and videos
- Follow up email support once per week and some surprise gifts to keep you inspired and motivated along the way.
My 12 month – Light Weight Living Program:
- Discover the tools and knowledge to restore your health and well-being
- Learn how to feel, protect, and balance your energy fields
- Simple, effective practice to process the emotional pain and trauma that’s keeping you stuck
- Proven steps to remove negative energetic attachments
- Clarify your unique genius and how best to turn it into a successful livelihood
- Discover how to ignite and trust your intuition so you can make decisions confidently and effortlessly
- Learn how to use light and color to cleanse, energize and heal
- Discover energy medicine and qi gong movements that restore, balance, and harmonize your life force energy
- Learn to reconnect to your authentic self, divine guidance and unlock your unique genius, calling, passion, and potential
- Learn to be genuinely happy, consistently, no matter what’s going on around you
- Learn breathing techniques that take you from anxious and angry to calm and connected
- Learn skills to heal damaged relationships, build new harmonious healthy relationships, and release relationships that no longer serve your highest good
- How to call in archangel assistance for cord cutting, healing, and guidance
- Confidence to sail through anything with resilience and ease
- Provides assessments and activities to uncover and activate all of your divine brilliance and sacred gifts
- 4 – 60 minute zoom or phone calls each month, plus PDF’s, practices, meditations and videos
- Ongoing email support twice a week.
- Bonus tools and techniques that put you on the path to long-term, heart-centered living that help you create success, resilience, vibrant health, and joy in every area of your life!
You’re worth so much more than you’re giving yourself. I can help you get successful, lasting results in every area of your life.
Schedule your complimentary Rapid Breakthrough call today, or register below for one of my packages.
Schedule Your Free Session Here!
Or sign up for one of my packages below.
I want to make this affordable for as many people as possible so I have greatly reduced my prices in order to be of service to people in need with financial limitations. Lack of financial resources should never be a block to getting the help and support you need to change your life for the better.
1 week money back guarantee for the 6 week program, 30 day money back guarantee for the 6 month program and a full 60 day money back guarantee for the 12 month program.
6 Week Intuition Activation Program: $297 if paid in full at time of registration.
If not paying in full at time of registration please contact me to make your $75 deposit and 3 equal payments of $86.00 due weeks 2, 3, and 4.
Select this button to pay in full at the discounted rate.
6 Month Move Mountains program: $5,595 if paid in full at time of registration.
If not paying in full at time of registration please contact me to make your $555 deposit. The balance is due in 5 equal payments of $1088.00 every three weeks.
Select this button to pay in full at the discount rate.
12 Month Light Weight Living program: $11,595 if paid in full at time of registration.
If not paying in full today, please contact me to make your $1,555.00 deposit. The balance will be due in 11 equal payments $950.00 every month.
Select this button to pay in full at the discount rate.
*Monthly payment plans are available. Contact me for details.
Each option comes with a money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason within the first 7 days for 6 week package, 30 days for 6 month package, or 60 days for 12 month package I will refund your package price, less a small service fee. If you are on a payment plan, you will not be charged for any further payments if you cancel within 7 days for the 6 week program, 30 days for the 6 month program, or 60 days for the 12 month program.