Valentine’s Day is considered a gesture of love to the significant other in our lives and can serve as a wonderful reminder of the importance of care and appreciation for
Top 4 Benefits of Reiki for Health & Healing
written by: Kathy Best, Intuitive Life Coach, CRM, CNT, CRRC Reiki, a Japanese form of energy medicine has been practiced for thousands of years. A reiki practitioner works with a
7 Most Important Essential Oils To Keep At Home
written January 5, 2022 by Kathy Best, CNC, CRRC, CRM I don’t know about you, but I’m fairly new to essential oils. I’ve known about them for over a decade
Detoxing Your Body, Mind, & Environment
Written March 9, 2021, by: Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Expert, Certified Nutrition Specialist, & Spiritual Growth Coach, When you want a fresh start or a clean slate in life, doing
4 Simple Steps to Effortless Weight Loss
originally written by Kathy Best – Certified Nutrition Specialist, on July 6, 2018. Updated January 17, 2021 I hear it all the time, “I exercise and eat right and I
By: Kathy Best, CNT, CRRC, ACCR, PSDC, November 22, 2019 Everyone has their moody moments, but if emotional turmoil is your most common state you need to take a deeper
How to Overcome Self-Sabotage Part 7 – Fear Based Decisions
written by: Kathy Best, CRRC, ACCR, PSDC, CNT, September 9, 2019 Fear Based Decisions – This one was a big one for me for much of my life prior to
Why Western Medicine and Charitable Foundations May Never Find a “Cure”
written by: Kathy Best, AC, CNT, CRRC, July 21, 2019 If you listen to the news or read any statistics today you know that the health of our nation is
Why You Can’t Lose Weight and Keep it Off
Did you know that for the average person 80% of your health and body shape is determined by the food you eat and your emotional environment? 15% is determined by exercise and 5% by genetics.