written by: Kathy Best – Intutive Living Expert, Nutrition Specialist, Podcaster, Angel Communicator, & Life Coach September 27, 2021 No matter how good your plans are, never be afraid or
Why Your Life Isn’t Going the Way You Think It Should
Written by: Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Expert, Certified Nutrition Specialist, & Spiritual Life Coach, January 26, 2021 I remember as a teenager and young adult thinking that life was one
5 Tips for Emotional Weight Loss
Written by Kathy Best, CNTC, March 12, 2018 Through my 15 years of research and study in nutrition, wellness, healing, spiritual and personal development I’ve found that one of the
10 Signs You May Be An Empath
The key attribute of an empath is feeling and absorbing other people’s emotions and/or physical symptoms because they themselves are so highly sensitive. They filter the world through their instincts,
By: Kathy Best, CNT, CRRC, ACCR, PSDC, November 22, 2019 Everyone has their moody moments, but if emotional turmoil is your most common state you need to take a deeper
How to Overcome Self-Sabotage Part 3: Overindulging
written by: Kathy Best, CNT, CRRC, ACCR, PSDC, August 12, 2019 This is another one that I have personal experience with. I was able to overcome addictions to alcohol, drugs,
Why Western Medicine and Charitable Foundations May Never Find a “Cure”
written by: Kathy Best, AC, CNT, CRRC, July 21, 2019 If you listen to the news or read any statistics today you know that the health of our nation is