Valentine’s Day is considered a gesture of love to the significant other in our lives and can serve as a wonderful reminder of the importance of care and appreciation for
Is The Key to Freedom In Our Past?
by: Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Expert, CRM, CRRC, CNTC Our families affect us on a daily basis in everything we do and become. This is true about our immediate family
Finding Gifts in the Midst of Change and Challenge
by: Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Expert, CRM, CRRC, CNTC For many of us 2022 started off with more uncertainty, difficulty and challenge. We were all hoping things would begin to
5 Ways to Manage Your Emotions and Stay Stress-Free
by Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Coach, February 9, 2022 Sometimes, to stay positive and focused on life, it is essential to find ways to manage your emotions. As humans, we
5 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress
written by Kathy Best, Intuitive Life Coach, RM, CNS, CRRC, November 27, 2021 This time of year can be extremely stressful for so many people. Not only do our jobs
Memorial Day and Interdependence
May 31, 2021 Here in the United States, today is Memorial Day, a holiday when we honor those who have died while performing their military duties in service of the
6 Key Traits of an Empath
Written May 7, 2021, By: Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Expert, Certified Nutritional Specialist The term empath has been used for many years in metaphysical circles and the people who use
The Power of Communicating Your Needs
Written by: Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Expert, Certified Nutrition Specialist, & Conscious Living Coach, March 2, 2021 Most of us developed an internal filter that helps us decide which parts