written by Kathy Best – Intutive Living Expert August 20, 2021 Life is always giving us opportunities to practice what we preach, grow, expand, and make conscious choices to do
Mental and Emotional Wellness
All things related to mental and emotional wellness
Ho’oponopono – Ancient Art of Forgiveness or Powerful Healing Practice?
by: Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Expert, Empath Empowerment Specialist, CNT, CRRC, CHP, RM December 12, 2020 The Hawaiian Dictionary defines “Hoʻoponopono” as “mental cleansing: family conferences in which relationships were
Your Purpose is not a Destination, It’s a Lifestyle
Written by: Kathy Best – Intuitive Living Expert, Nutrition Specialist, Angel Communicator, July 5, 2021 As an intuitive living expert and nutrition specialist I am passionate about helping people, especially
Overcoming Depression Naturally
June 16, 2021 by: Kathy Best – Intuitive Living Expert, Nutrition & Wellness Specialist, and former depression sufferer More people are suffering from depression and anxiety than ever before. There
Birthdays – A Celebration of Life and Much More
Different family dynamics, social and economic situations, religious or spiritual backgrounds and a myriad of other factors imprint a kaleidoscope of beliefs, ideas, attitudes, and behaviors on those souls as part of their human experience.
6 Key Traits of an Empath
Written May 7, 2021, By: Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Expert, Certified Nutritional Specialist The term empath has been used for many years in metaphysical circles and the people who use
When Life Changes We can Change with it or Suffer in Stubornness
written by: Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Expert, Certified Nutrition Specialist, and Holistic Life Coach April 21, 2021 It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything on my blog due to the
Detoxing Your Body, Mind, & Environment
Written March 9, 2021, by: Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Expert, Certified Nutrition Specialist, & Spiritual Growth Coach, When you want a fresh start or a clean slate in life, doing
The Power of Communicating Your Needs
Written by: Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Expert, Certified Nutrition Specialist, & Conscious Living Coach, March 2, 2021 Most of us developed an internal filter that helps us decide which parts
The 4 Universal Laws of Manifestation
Written by: Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Expert, Certified Nutrition Specialist, & Spiritual Life Coach, February 21, 2021 The first Law of Feedback gives us a direct experience of our thoughts,