
Is Sound Healing the Medicine of the Future?

by: Kathy Best, Intuitive Life Coach & Reiki Master, December 9, 2022

My Sound Energy Experience

When it comes to the power and potential of sound and energy frequencies to heal or support physical and emotional healing I was as big a sceptic as anyone could be. There wasn’t much of any medical research when I first started investigating sound healing and frequencies. There are some studies on the effects of music on cognitive function and stress response, but nothing related to sound frequencies and the physical, mental and emotional benefits that certain frequencies can produce. Reasons were probably diverse, but when it comes to medicine if you can’t patent it or clearly quantify it then there seems to be little to no interest in studying it. Today there is finally a growing number of studies being done with some impressive results.

As a longtime lover of music in many forms it took me decades to really recognize the power and impact all forms of music can have on not just cognitive function, but emotional health and physical health. It wasn’t until I was in my thirties that I really began to investigate and understand how important it is to be discerning about what kind of music and sounds you choose to plug into. I spent the next 15 years investigating and testing the power of sound and frequencies and making sure I was feeding my mind and body sounds that made a positive impact. I’m the type of person that has to do the researching and experimenting on myself before I decide if something is worthwhile or valuable to health and wellness.

Various Types of Sound and Energy Tools

I’ve tested various forms of sound frequencies like Hemisync from the Monroe Institute, which I found very helpful to get into a deeply meditative state and I used for many years. I actually had a very powerful spiritual experience during one of my hemisync meditations. Then I discovered Eldon Taylor and his Inner Talk technology. I have to say I was very impressed at the time. His method of subliminal messaging layered under nature sounds and meditative music had a very positive effect on my mental and emotional wellbeing. This was almost 20 years ago and technologies like subliminal beats and scalar frequencies have up leveled the field of sound healing.

I was introduced to Stephen Halpern, a pioneer in sound healing, around that same time and didn’t really resonate with his work, but I know many people who love it and find great value in his work. I may be investigating some of his newer sounds, though. Several years later I discovered Jonathan Goldman, who is an international authority on sound healing, but again he didn’t really resonate with me at the time, so I kept researching and testing other sound healing products. I really believe that what we need comes to us when we are ready for it and not before. I also believe that there is nothing that will work for everyone all of the time.

I tried Centerpoint Holosync technology and didn’t find that very beneficial to me either, but I may not have given it the time and consistency it required. I tested Wayne Dyer’s Japa Meditation from his book “Getting Into the Gap” and found that very powerful and transformative, but I was always interested in much of Dr. Dyer’s work. I found the solfeggio frequencies several years ago, on Youtube, and started testing them. They seemed to add a layer of calm and deep peace to my body and mind. Then I was turned on to rife frequencies and tuning forks a few years ago. I found rife frequencies online and tested them quite a bit with some good success and was gifted a book on tuning forks called Biofield Tuning and that opened the door to my interest and study of the power of frequencies, specifically tuning forks. I was gifted a couple of forks for Christmas a couple years ago and have been using them regularly ever since. My health and wellbeing shifted rapidly.

I was also introduced to scalar frequencies a year or two after that and the energy enhancement system created by, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. Unfortunately this was something out of my financial comfort zone and I have not yet pursued it. But I have a calling to do so in the near future. I did, however, begin researching scalar waves and found a couple of websites that offered online or downloadable products. I tried both, scalar light and subtle energy. Scalar light seemed to have some real benefits, but it required a monthly subscription and the cost was more than I wanted to spend consistently. I stuck with which I have been using for about six months now. The website offers many different energy signatures that you can purchase for a reasonable price and download to your computer or smart phone. Some come with silent mp3s and some are just images encoded with specific frequencies. I was very skeptical at first, but the more I use them the better I feel and the more I can feel each different energy. They are very subtle, but the website offers ways to amplify the energy and lots of articles and reviews on the benefits of their products. They also offer a 30 day money back guarantee which I value for this type of service.  

Become Your Own Best Healthcare Expert

There are so many new technologies being developed and updated these days. We truly limit ourselves when we aren’t willing to look outside the box of mainstream science and medicine for answers and solutions to our health and wellbeing. I have been working with energy for decades, doing energy healing work and investigating cures for my own health challenges. I spent a lot of time and money seeking help and support from mainstream medicine and they failed me at every turn. I’m not bashing allopathic medicine. There is a time and a place for their services when it comes to emergency situations. I’ve found chiropractic care to be much more beneficial in many ways than any other doctors or specialists I’ve been to, and there have been many doctors and specialists over the years.

I think there are two key problems. 1. The pharmaceutical companies funding and controlling the education of doctors and medical personnel. 2. Science is expanding and evolving more rapidly than doctors can keep up with. From my experience with physicians, many tend to believe they learned everything they need to know in medical school. They don’t seem inclined to continue learning or investigate anything outside the realm of drugs and surgery. It’s very sad and unfortunate because so many people trust them to provide solutions to their health issues. It seems rather shameful to simply write prescriptions that are unaffordable and often have worse side effects than the original condition. Unless it’s an acute, life threatening condition surgery may be unnecessary and could also create further problems. Then patients seem doomed to require more expensive treatments. It’s a never ending cycle of disease management, not health care.

Don’t get me wrong. I believe most people that go to medical school are well intentioned and truly want to help people. They simply don’t get the education and training that would actually help people heal or cure their maladies. I believe that energy work will be the medicine of the future. Anyone who is willing can learn how to support their body in healing itself and returning to balance. The first thing we all need to remember is how to trust ourselves when it comes to our bodies and our wellness. Everyone is born with an inner guidance system that can help you make wise, beneficial choices and lead you down the path that is for your highest good. All you have to do is develop that guidance, learn to recognize it and trust it. The second necessity is to understand that you can never have enough information or wisdom when it comes to life. Life is for learning and growing, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The minute we think we’ve learned everything we need to know is the minute we become complacent and stagnate. I recently discovered in my Reiki practice that tuning forks offer an excellent complement to a session and seem to amplify the experience and results.

Below I have provided some information about the various people I mention in this post and links to some of the websites that sell the products I discussed. I am not affiliated with any of them and do not receive any compensation for sharing their links. I do it as a service to anyone interested in investigating sound and frequencies for physical and emotional healing.

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Sound and Frequency References:

Steven Halpern is a Grammy® Award nominated, multi-platinum selling recording artist, composer, producer, researcher, author and pioneering sound healer. Steven Halpern launched a “Quiet Revolution” in modern instrumental music that focused on creating harmony, coherence and balance rather than mere entertainment. His unique orchestration of tone, time, space and frequency help explain why his music continues to be the go to choice for people from all walks of life, including healers, spiritual teachers, massage therapists, other therapeutic bodywork, psychological counseling, corporate wellness programs and accelerated learning. Halpern’s music gets listeners “in the zone” and is used by leading business professionals, success coaches like Mark Victor Hansen and Brian Tracy, and entrepreneurs, students and teachers worldwide. His unequaled, proven track record of 48 years, (1975-2023), demonstrates his skill and ability to reach the heart and mind of his listeners. Steven’s most recent Mindful Music series features key brainwave entrainment frequencies to deepen relaxation, healing, meditation, creativity and sleep. (DEEP ALPHA, DEEP THETA, RELAX into SLEEP) Halpern introduced the principles of sound healing to the fields of holistic/complementary medicine, massage therapy and yoga as well as millions of individuals worldwide through his groundbreaking books, dozens of articles and hundreds of TV, radio and print interviews. His music is broadcast frequently on all major streaming platforms and enjoyed by generations of fans.

Jonathan Goldman, M.A., is an internationally renowned writer, musician and teacher.  He is an authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics.  Jonathan is the author of several books including his recent release, The Divine Name  (Hay House) Visionary Award for “Best Alternative Book” of the Year, The 7 Secrets of Sound Healing (Hay House); Healing Sounds (Inner Traditions); and Shifting Frequencies (Light Technology).  A Grammy nominee, his award winning recordings include:  “Chakra Chants”, “The Divine Name,” and “Reiki Chants”. He is the Founder and Director of the Sound Healers Association and CEO of Spirit Music.  In Spring 2011, Jonathan Goldman was named as one of Watkins’s Reviews “100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People on the Planet.”   

Eldon Taylor, Ph.D. was a practicing criminalist for over ten years while completing his education. He supervised and conducted investigations, recovery and detection of deception testing. He specialized in physical security, lie detection, forensic hypnosis and intelligence and counterintelligence measures. His earliest work with subliminal information processing was conducted from this setting, including a double blind study conducted at the Utah State Prison in 1986-87 and published in his book Subliminal Communication. Taylor has made a lifelong study of the human mind and has earned doctoral distinctions in psychology and hypnotherapy. He is a certified psychotherapist and Fellow of the American Psychotherapy Association (APA) and a certified hypnotherapist with the American Guild of Hypnotherapists. At present, he is the President and Director of Progressive Awareness Research, Inc. Eldon Taylor has made numerous appearances on television and radio and his work has been cited in the national press on many occasions. He is considered by many to be one of the foremost authorities on subliminal information processing. Eldon Taylor has participated in independent studies regarding his work with a number of researchers at leading institutions such as Stanford University, Weber State University, Colorado State University, Munich University, Bremen University, and the Institute of Mexican Social Services (Medicine)to name a few. Eldon Taylor’s experimental educational properties (e.g. Cancer Remission, AIDS, etc.) have been prescribed for patients across America and Mexico. The data from a longitudinal study regarding these properties has demonstrated a solid mind-body connection (psychoneuroimmunology) and has led to the development of new innovative non-intrusive health care adjuncts. Some of these new evolving technologies have been rigorously studied in double blind designs, (e.g. depression and attention deficit hyperactive disorder) and found to have statistically significant efficacy.

Eileen Day McKusick is a pioneering researcher, writer, inventor, practitioner, educator and speaker in the fields of therapeutic sound, the human biofield and electric health. She has an MA in Integrative Education and has been studying the effects of sound on the human body and its electromagnetic system since 1996. McKusick is the originator of the sound therapy method Biofield Tuning (with over 2000 students trained worldwide since 2010), the founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute (which conducts grant funded, IRB approved and peer reviewed studies on the human biofield), and author of the award winning book “Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy“, as well as the book “Electric Body, Electric Health,” As an inventor, Eileen has created a line of weighted tuning forks and tuning fork accessories based on her own clinical research. Her recent inventions include the much-loved Sonic Slider, and the uniquely effective Fibonacci Pair. These forks, when paired with the patent-pending Circuit Boot, are introducing thousands of people to the power of sound to improve our electric health. She creates an accessible bridge between what has been considered pseudoscience and what has been considered scientific, through clearly illustrating the underlying electrical nature of our bodies and the world around us. A dynamic and sought after speaker and thought leader, Eileen is an ambassador of the new paradigms of Electric Health and Biofield Science. Through mastering her own electrical health, she embodies high-voltage, coherent living that is both tangible and teachable. 

Dr. Sandra Rose Michael taught holistic medicine for more than four decades, Dr. Michael’s research in applied integrative biophysics has earned prestigious recognition, including the Presidential and International Who’s Who. She has lectured at the United Nations, MIT, the World Summit on Integral Medicine, the Harvard Club, The Royal Society of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical School, the Scalar Research Experts Conference, anti-aging congresses, as well as numerous medical schools and ministries of health worldwide. Dr. Michael has also been featured in various national newspapers and journal articles, including a recent prominent study on autism and seizure disorder, which was published in the Journal of Neurology Research. The true Bio-Scalar EESystem technology has been publicized by media outlets like CNN, Fox News, The Doctors, the Wall Street Journal and the Beverly Hills Times. Knighted for her humanitarian service, Dr. Michael is a Dame Commander of the Order of St. John in the Orthodox Knights Hospitaller tradition and is the Minister of Health for the Republic of New Lemuria, a country dedicated to peace and healing. Currently, Dr. Michael is working to provide energy wellness centers to United States Veterans.

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