by Kathy Best – Intuitive Life Coach & Quantum Reiki Master
October 12, 2022

A sudden unexpected health crisis inspired me to start my life coaching and spiritual development business five years ago. I knew how to eat right and exercise, how to take care of my mental and emotional health and how to develop my spiritual growth and expansion, but I, like so many people who study and learn skills and knowledge got to a place where I thought I could stop learning, growing and just apply what I knew. The problem with that is we often become complacent and stop doing everything that got us to the good place. I didn’t stop everything, but I quit keeping the delicate balance between my mind, body and soul, let the spiritual practices and the things I was passionate about fall to the wayside and my health spiraled downward from there. I had to remember and reintegrate everything that had helped me achieved the awareness, peace, harmony, clarity, connection and wholeness in the first place and then I had to develop new practices, new skills and new wisdom to achieve those things in a new environment and a different physical experience.
What worked for me in my 30’s wasn’t exactly what I needed in my 40’s and what I’m doing in my 40’s may not be what I need to do in my 50’s to achieve well-being, balance, harmony, wisdom and growth. Therefor I made the decision to never stop learning, never stop studying, never stop working on my inner self, so that I can reflect to the world what I want reflected back to me. Just as my physical, mental and spiritual practices have changed and evolved, so has my mission and my business.
I started out simply wanting to help people reconnect the dots between their physical, mental and spiritual health. Hence the term ‘light weight living”. It was all about dropping the dead or heavy physical, mental, emotional and spiritual burdens people have been carrying around for decades or lifetimes. I offered angel card readings and energy sessions as a means to support other people in their struggles. I knew that we all needed to reconnect to our inner awareness and internal guidance system to help us make better decisions, see life more clearly and help us develop confidence in our abilities as well as our capacity to recognize honesty and dishonesty in others. So a couple of years ago I created a 7 week course on activating your intuition. I only did it once and it was an in-person event, but the people that attended told me it was very helpful and they would do it again. I was also prompted to create a longer, deeper program that would really help people tune into their intuition so they could call on it consistently, so I spent a few moths creating that as well as a program to embody your authentic self.
During all of this I was dealing with my own health challenges and my husband’s health crisis. I could have let these challenges beat me, because they were big and seemed endless, and don’t think for a minute I did not have my bouts of depression and frustration, but my Reiki/energy practice and my meditation practice were always my saving grace throughout every struggle. I think a lot of people expect healers and spiritual teachers to live in this bubble of safety and protection from health challenges and the problems of the world, but that’s not how it works. No one is immune from the physical problems and challenges of being human. If we are doing our inner work and making it our priority we develop a strong optimistic faith and resilience that helps us move through challenges, pain, and suffering with more ease, grace, understanding, confidence and love.
That’s what I truly want for everyone on this planet and everyone I work with. I want each person to develop their divine gifts of intuition, healing, and connection to the field of all potential, so that they know in their body, mind, and heart that life is always for them; that they are never alone. Even the worst circumstances are surmountable and they can recreate their experiences as often as they like simply by going within, cultivating a deep sense of love, gratitude, compassion and acting as if every day is a gift and every person you see is a blessing. Hard to swallow for most of us because we hang on so tightly to our sense of separation, self-centeredness, entitlement, and wallow in our woundedness, fear, resentment and pity.
I also found the time and divine inspiration to develop a new form of energy healing, Quantum Reiki along with sound frequency energy tuning and am now offering those services via distance sessions on my website:
For me, the foundation of health and wellness is spiritual growth. It’s not about being perfectly healthy or being unshakable. It isn’t about being wiser, smarter, better, or able to do amazing things. It’s about becoming consciously aware of what we’re thinking, believing, saying and doing in every moment. Conscious awareness gives us the opportunity to stop and rewire unbeneficial, self-sabotaging patterns, programs and behaviors that no longer serve our highest good which are preventing us from creating the unlimited positive potentials we were born to manifest. It’s about building up our resilience and letting go of expectations, so that anything that comes our way is just a ripple in the ocean and everything we need to move through it comes to us exactly when we need it. This resilience and calm slowly replaces the tidal waves of debilitating “what if’s” fear and anxiety when the unexpected occurs.
I decided that the angel card readings I was doing for clients was not truly supporting them in developing trust and faith in their own wisdom and guidance, so I decided to discontinue that service and focus more on intuitive life coaching and energy healing. To support that path I will be collaborating with another Reiki Master and healer, Yvette LeFlore of Healing with Yvette, on November 16 to offer an online healing event. You can get more details and register here. I will also be doing sessions in person at the 14th annual Festival of Light in Lynchburg, VA on November 5th and 6th. You can get more information on the Festival of Light here. If you don’t want to wait until then I am offering distance sessions by appointment only and you can email me or text me on my website.
Life is a beautiful work of art that is constantly evolving as we evolve and we are always a masterpiece in the making, perfectly imperfect and priceless no matter what state of completion we are in.
Love & Gratitude,

Kathy Best – Intuitive Life Coach & Quantum Reiki Master