
5 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

written by Kathy Best, Intuitive Life Coach, RM, CNS, CRRC,

November 27, 2021

This time of year can be extremely stressful for so many people. Not only do our jobs and careers demand more of us, but our family, our friends, and our obligations increase as well. Some people recall the loss of a loved one or feel lonely and invisible as they look around at all of the people busily running here and there to meet lovers, friends, or family for shopping, dining, or get-togethers. What many of us don’t see is the additional stress, anxiety, worry, and sadness many people are faced with trying to do, have, and be everything they think is required or necessary to meet other’s holiday expectations or wishes. This time of year, at least in America, has become a very superficial, expensive, frustrating commercialized series of events that culminate in large credit card bills, overindulging in food and alcohol, and a feeling of emptyiness in the hearts of those who remember simpler, happier times.

So what can we do during all the hustle and bustle to feel more relaxed, resilient, and calm? It starts with deciding that you want to honor the spirit of the holidays and not the commercialized propaganda that spurs you to out-spend and out-gift everyone around you.

  1. Make a reasonable budget that won’t leave your bank account hurting come January and stick to it. There are so many crafty things you can do for a few dollars that really shows how much you care. It’s about using your creativity and your knowledge of your gift recipients to make something special for each one. I remember one year as a child my parents didn’t have a lot of money to spend, so they kept some empty boxes and containers of dry foods, made some fake dollars out of construction paper and bought me a used play cash register and wrapped everything up. I played ‘store’ all the time with that stuff and loved it! Now I have step-daughters who are very creative and some of my favorite gifts are things they’ve made for me. If you aren’t crafty buy everyone their own Christmas ornament. You can find some rally cute, inexpensive ornaments at Dollar Stores, local craft fairs, or online.
  2. Take time every day to relax and renew your own battery. You can’t keep going like the energizer bunny and not expect to drain your batteries. Soak in a hot bath with some organic essential oils and coconut oil. Lavender, Frankincense, Sage, and Orange oils can help you feel more relaxed and positive. Spend 10-15 minutes twice a day meditating, reading, coloring (yes even adults can color and it has amazing benefits), praying, saying affirmations, or just being still.
  3. Move your body in conscious, relaxing ways. Qigong, Tai Chi, Yoga, Stretching, or walking are all excellent for renewing the mind and body. Try 15-30 minutes each day to really take the edge off of holiday stress.
  4. Make a gratitude list. As soon as you wake or before you go to bed each day, make a list of at least 10 things or people you are grateful for. You can’t just repeat the same 10 things each day. Really take time to dig deep and recognize all of the little things we take for granted and expand your heart with feelings of gratitude for everything.
  5. If you don’t feel good doing it, don’t do it. This time of year can create a list of obligations that are often uncomfortable, unbeneficial, and downright painful, so choose to prioritize and make self-care number one on the list. There are certain people, places, and things in our lives that just don’t do us any good and can actually create a lot of dis-ease in our mind and body, so listen to your body when it comes to making promises and commitments and if it doesn’t feel right or good, bow out gracefully. Yes, there may be some hurt feelings, but don’t let guilt make you do things that are truly not beneficial and only create stress, resentment, and frustration. Stand up for your right to do things that support, nurture, empower, and fill you with harmony and joy.

There are so many ways to reduce and elimiate stress in our daily lives, not just during the holidays. It’s simply a matter of deciding that you are ready and willing to make changes that support your well-being and health. Change can be challenging and may feel very uncomfortable at first. When we make a decision to begin making beneficial choices instead of harmful choices we shift our experiences to more positive ones and train our mind and body to recognize that we deserve good things and goodness in our life. Where our attention and intention goes our energy flows and we begin to experience more things to be grateful for and more opportunities to welcome more good into every area of our lives. Each and every one of us deserves to experience love, joy, peace, security, proseprity, abundance, kindness, ease, success, grace, and wellness. The first step is truly accepting that beleif and then doing and being someone that attracts those experiences into life.

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