Written by: Kathy Best, Intuitive Living Expert, Certified Nutrition Specialist, & Conscious Living Coach, March 2, 2021
Most of us developed an internal filter that helps us decide which parts of our inner monologues get a voice outside of our mind. Sometimes our choice is based on polite or appropriate behavior. Other times we base it on expectations and what we feel others need to know about us. Too often it becomes a volcanic explosion or implosion of unsaid needs, desires, frustrations, and fears. We seem to feel it necessary to hide our true feelings and our heart-felt needs from the people around us and then we wind up feeling neglected, ignored, trampled on, or taken advantage of because we chose not to speak our truth. This only leads to resentment, hostility, and random bursts of anger or sadness because what we resist persists until it is expressed one way or another.

Why not begin each day with a promise to communicate your needs in a compassionate, considerate, calm manner where ever and whenever possible to avoid unnecessary conflict, misunderstandings, and passive-aggressive retaliation? This may seem needless in certain situations, because we are under the erroneous belief that the other person has the same information, or should at the very least recognize when something is wrong and make inquiry. We have to remember that every other person is listening to their own inner voice, which has its own unique perspective, interpretation, issues, and needs. With so much constant chatter and noise coming from both inside and outside of our individual heads, it’s really easier and much more effective to simply communicate precisely what we need at any given moment to make sure there are no misunderstandings, misinterpretations, false assumptions, or festering resentments.

The act of voicing our needs is also an act of creation. When we take thoughts with an emotional charge and convert them into sound, our voice carries the energy and intention of manifestation into our physical world propelling the quantum field, morphic field, or akashic field to activate the process of creation through which our wishes and dreams come true. By facing the fear of what others may think and removing the expectation of what others should understand or know we free ourselves from the emotional bondage of our minds and begin unleashing our creative power on the canvas of the world. When we have the courage to speak our needs and our truth, our voice becomes the frequency that enables us to align with or separate from our heart’s desires. The bold step of giving voice to our deepest emotional thoughts and needs moves them from the etheric to the material and brings us one step closer to turning our dreams into our reality.

Kathy Best is an Intuitive Living Expert, Certified Nutritional Specialist, and Conscious Living Coach. She left a 16 year career in accounting to pursue her passion in nutrition, wellness, and spiritual development. With over 17 years of research, study, and experience, Kathy works with men and women who know there must be more to life than what they’ve been led to believe and are ready to open their minds and hearts to new ways of doing life and of being happy, healthy, and successful. She combines her experience and knowledge in nutritional therapy, spiritual development, energy work, and intuitive & angelic guidance into individualized programs that help her clients reclaim their body, mind, spirit balance, develop their innate gifts, and tap into their unique genius so they can redefine themselves and recreate their lives into the happy, vibrant, fulfilling masterpieces they were meant to be.